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Cosmetic Tattooing

Welcome! I am so glad that you are ready to take your brows to the next level!



​Here you will find information on:

The Consent Form

Ideal Candidates  

How To Prepare

Healing Process & What to Expect

Booking Policies

Who is not  ideal for this procedure?

These items listed are a guide to ensure each client's safety, proper healing measures, and the understanding that pigment may not retain properly, which may* mean you need an additional touch up session. This is based on each individual client and their current medical history.



  • Keloid Scarring (a raised scar due to trauma on the skin) 

  • Diabetes type 1 or 2 (prone to slow healing and infection. MUST have Dr.'s written/emailed permission needed prior to appointment to halt medication from blood thinners for 6 days prior to the appointment.)

  • Chemotherapy patients (consult vour doctor first. Medication may cause pigment to not retain properly

  • Someone suffering from a autoimmune disease

  • Auto immune disease (MUST have Dr.'s written/emailed permission needed prior to appointment)

  • Chronic Epilepsy or Parkinsons 

  • Heavy bleeders or those taking blood thinners (all blood thinning supplements or medication need to be stopped 6 days prior to appointment.)

  • Clients with a pacemaker or major heart problems (MUST have Cardiologist clearance if not on blood thinners)

  • Skin Irritations, Acne, or Psoriasis near the treated area (rashes. sunburn, open wounds)

  • Jaundice

  • Clients with acne who have been on prescribed oral or topical skin medications prior to treatment (needs to stop for 6 weeks for: retin-a, salicylic acid, glycolic acid, accutane, tetracycline, minocycline, doxycycline, erythromycin, and trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole) due to the cellular turn over rate in average skin healing time.

  • Clients who are sick with a cold or flu etc need to reschedule​

The consent form:


preparing for your appointment:

These items listed are a guide to ensure each client is prepped properly prior to their appointment for the best healing results.



  • Brow laminations must be done 3 days prior to receiving cosmetic tattooing services.

  • Waxing, threading, or any other form of hair exfoliation must be done 7 days prior to receiving cosmetic tattooing services.

  • Injecectables (fillers or botox) must be done 2 weeks prior or 2 weeks after appointment.

  • ​


The following items should be avoided so that you have better healing results and there is minimal bleeding and optimal healing results:



  • No working out or sweating day profusely (high intensity workouts) 5 days post treatment.

  • No alcohol 24 hours prior to your treatment

  • no Caffeine the morning of your appointment (you can have this 1 hour post appt) 

  • Do not take aspirin or ibuprofen /2 hours prior to vour session, unless prescribed by your doctor.

  • Discontinue Retin-A skin care products close to the enhancement area 2 weeks before and after vour procedure

  • Avoid using anything lightening, tightening, or brightening, or anti-aging on or around your brow area pre or post appointment. (over time, this will lighten your pigment and cause them to fade faster)

  • If you plan to laser previous work done by another artist prior to your appointment, do this 2 weeks before vour procedure

  • Chemical peels should be avoided in and around the enhancement area for the life of the brow to avoid advanced fading

  • No active sunburns (if you recently experienced a sunburn please wait at least 10 days until you come in for your appointment for healing and shedding to take place. 


The After Care Stages.png

Booking Policies:

  • All appointments require a waiver form to be filled out and signed PRIOR to their appointment.

  • All appointments for cosmetic tattooing services require a card to be held on file to reserve an appointment date and time.

  • There is a 48 hour cancellation policy. If appointments are not cancelled or rescheduled within the 48 hours, there is a 50% original cost that will be charged to the client. 

  • No-shows and day of cancellations will be charged a 100% original cost to the client.

  • Please keep in mind that this is a source of both passion and income for your artist. Though we understand that emergencies do happen, communication with your artist about your medical needs as well as following pre and post op instructions will help to avoid schedule mishaps. 

  • If any client should reschedule one appointment slot more than 3 times you may be at risk of being able to book any future appointment slots with Ellevated Beauty.




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